If you haven't already gotten the target catalog in the mail with all the awesome toy coupons you can go to www. hotcouponworld.com to print them. Click on Target Coupons. Lots of stores accept competitors coupons so you may be able to use these at other places if you find them on sale. It's worth asking. You can print multiples here as well! There are some very high value coupons in there. One example is $20 off the Little People Airport. Check it out!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Leap Frog Deals
The www.leapfrog.com website has several great deals right now. The gift sets in particular are marked way down. Use promo code: FFGIFT25 to get an extra 25% off and get free shipping on orders over $50. We love our leap frog click start computer and will probably be getting another leapfrog system this year. They are great fun and very educational! Happy shopping!
Several Toy Coupons
Go to www.coupons.com to print several toy coupons. A few are Mr. Potato Head, Mr. Potato Head Spud Buds, Musical Sit and Spin, and My Little Pony. These are high value coupons. I saved $10 on a sit and spin the other day for a gift. Check out the coupons! Combined with sales you can save a ton.
Mr. Potato Head for $1.99
Mr. or Mrs. Potato Head are on sale Friday night and Saturday morning at Toys R Us for 3.99. Use the coupon on www.coupons.com to save $2 and get them for $1.99 each! Regular price is $7.99. You can print at least 2 of these. My kids love their potato heads! This would be a great Christmas gift!
I'm Back!
After a 2 month absence I am posting again! I will just say that this blog isn't the only thing that has been on the backburner for the last couple of months. This pregnancy has kicked my rear so far, but I feel like I am coming around FINALLY! So I will try to start posting again starting today. There are some great deals to be had right now!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Wow! $25 gift cards for $1
www.restaurant.com is running a promotion right now where you can get $25 gift cards for $1 using the code NINETY. There are some good restaurants on there. For you Nashville peeps, there is a restaurant called the Mad Platter on there that is very good. We tried it for Brian's birthday recently and it was a hit. This promotion is only good through tomorrow so hurry!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Free Sample of Huggies Little Movers Diapers
Go here to sign up for a free sample of Huggies Little Movers Diapers. If you don't need diapers get some size 4 for me! Just kidding!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Save $1 on YoBaby Yogurt
I know I haven't posted in a while. Sorry, things have been hectic. Here is a link for a great yogurt coupon. I will try to post some more deals soon!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
$26 in Target Baby Coupons
No these aren't coupons to buy babies with. They are coupons for several baby items. Remember that you can stack them with manufacturer's coupons for an even better deal!
Free Chick-fil-A
Go to this site to join the Chick-fil-A "Wave" and get a free chicken sandwich. You can also get a free chicken sandwich on Labor Day by wearing your favorite sports team's logo shirt.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Free Photo Prints at Walgreens
Today only use code 20FREE4ME to get 20 free photos at www.walgreens.com Pick them up in store, and there is no shipping cost. Enjoy!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Another Great Kashi Coupon
Click here to get a coupon for $1.50 off one box of Kashi Honey Sunshine cereal. You can print the coupon twice! Kashi cereal is on sale at Publix this week 2 for $5, so you can get them for $1 a box. That's a great deal for Kashi.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Milky Way Misery
Tip of the day: Just because something is free doesn't mean you have to get it! I bought a Milky Way and a Twix at Walgreens today because I got them free with coupons. I ate about 3/4 of the Milky Way while I was out running errands and felt like I was gonna puke. Apparently I can't stomach a Milky Way like I used to be able to. Plus I got an additional 200 calories which is never good. Lesson learned. Now I have to go eat the Twix (just kidding!).
Monday, August 17, 2009
Free Home Made Simple Coupon Booklet
This is a great coupon booklet that you can sign up for free. It has $35 worth of Proctor & Gamble coupons for things such as Febreeze, Dawn Dish Soap, Mr. Clean products, etc. I got mine in the mail today, and there are several useful coupons in there!
25 Prints for $0.25
Today only use code PENNY at Walgreens.com to order 25 prints for 25 cents. No shipping and only 2 cents tax. I just ordered mine!
Kroger Deals this Week!
Our Kroger in Bellevue is having triple coupon week this week! Check out your local one to see if they are or just come on out to Bellevue! They triple coupons up to .99 with a limit of 20 triples per visit. However, you can use more than 20 coupons if the others are worth $1 or more (I used at least 30). Kroger is also having a Mega Sale this week! You buy 10 participating items which are already on sale for great prices and get $5 off instantly at checkout. You can do as many of these groupings as you like. I did 3 last night and got 3 $5 discounts. I also had coupons for a lot of the items that were on sale. I got several things for free or less than $1. With my sales, $5 bonuses and triple coupons I saved $117.20. I spent $86.59. It would have been less if I would have remembered to use that pesky free lunch meat coupon! Oh well, I'll use it later. Good luck getting some great deals!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Cheap Huggies Diapers and Pulls Ups at CVS
This week at CVS you can get Jumbo packs of Huggies diapers or Pull Ups 2 for $18. Then you get $4 in Extra Bucks(EBs) to use towards your next purchase. Combine coupons with these and you've got a sweet deal. I got 2 packs of Pull Ups and used a $2 off coupon for one and a $1.50 off coupon for the other. Oh, and one of my coupons was for Huggies diapers so apparently you can use the diaper coupons on Pull Ups, but not the other way around. So my final cost was:
$18-3.50 (coupons)-$4(EBS)= $10.50 for 2 or $5.25 per pack!
$18-3.50 (coupons)-$4(EBS)= $10.50 for 2 or $5.25 per pack!
Better than Free Dental Products at Walgreens
At Walgreens this week the Listerine mouthwash, Reach Toothbrushes and Reach Dental Floss are on sale 3 for $9. In addition you get $6 back in register rewards(RR) to use on your next purchase. If you clip the Sunday coupons there was one for $5 off 3 of these products so you can get all 3 for $4 and get a $6 reward coupon to be used later. You could even use it the same day if you want. There is also a deal with Colgate Enamel Strength Toothpaste. It is $2.99 and you get a RR for $2.99. You can use one of the many colgate coupons from recent papers and get it for better than free with RRs.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Publix Deals
I got some great deals at Publix today and thought I would share:
Clorox Greenworks Cleaners (I got the wipes): $2.50 (Reg. $3.29)
-Used 3 $2 off one Greenworks coupons in the Greenwise magazine at the front of the store.
-Payed $0.50 each
Kelloggs Fruit Snacks - BOGO @ 2.95 = $1.48 each
Energizer Batteries - $5.49
-Used Publix Coupon for $1.00 off found in front of store in magazine
-Used $1.00 off coupon from Sunday paper
- Payed $3.49 for 4 C Batteries
Breyers Ice Cream - BOGO @ 4.99 = $2.50 each
-Used $1 off 2 Breyers at coupons.com
-Payed $2.00 each, and they have some new light all natural flavors!
8 oz. Kraft Shredded Cheese - 3 for $5 or $1.67 each
-Used $1 off coupon from Kraft Website
-Paid $0.67
Betty Crocker Muffin Mixes - BOGO @ $2.69 or $1.35 each
8 Roll Viva Choose-A-Size Paper Towels - $5.99 (Usually $9.99)
-Used $1 off coupon from somewhere
- Payed $4.99
Healthy Harvest Whole Grain Pasta - BOGO @ $1.79 or $0.90 each
Fiber One Toaster Pastries - BOGO @ 2.29 or $1.15 each
- Used 2 $0.50 off 1 coupons from Sunday's paper (Publix doubles them)
- Payed $0.29 for 2 boxes!!!
Lance Peanut Butter Crackers - BOGO @ $2.89 or $1.45 each
Fiber One Bars - $2.50 each
-Used $0.40 off one coupon from Sunday paper (Doubled)
-Paid $1.70
Capri Sun 100% Juice on Sale 2 for $5. You can get these just a little cheaper at Costco, but this is still a good deal.
There are also great school supply deals going on such as Crayola Crayon 24 packs 3 for $1 and Crayola Washable Markers BOGO.
I got other groceries as well and my grand total was $58.29. My grand total savings was $57.00! These deals are good through Tuesday, and if you go on Sunday or Monday you can also pick up the penny item! Happy shopping!
Clorox Greenworks Cleaners (I got the wipes): $2.50 (Reg. $3.29)
-Used 3 $2 off one Greenworks coupons in the Greenwise magazine at the front of the store.
-Payed $0.50 each
Kelloggs Fruit Snacks - BOGO @ 2.95 = $1.48 each
Energizer Batteries - $5.49
-Used Publix Coupon for $1.00 off found in front of store in magazine
-Used $1.00 off coupon from Sunday paper
- Payed $3.49 for 4 C Batteries
Breyers Ice Cream - BOGO @ 4.99 = $2.50 each
-Used $1 off 2 Breyers at coupons.com
-Payed $2.00 each, and they have some new light all natural flavors!
8 oz. Kraft Shredded Cheese - 3 for $5 or $1.67 each
-Used $1 off coupon from Kraft Website
-Paid $0.67
Betty Crocker Muffin Mixes - BOGO @ $2.69 or $1.35 each
8 Roll Viva Choose-A-Size Paper Towels - $5.99 (Usually $9.99)
-Used $1 off coupon from somewhere
- Payed $4.99
Healthy Harvest Whole Grain Pasta - BOGO @ $1.79 or $0.90 each
Fiber One Toaster Pastries - BOGO @ 2.29 or $1.15 each
- Used 2 $0.50 off 1 coupons from Sunday's paper (Publix doubles them)
- Payed $0.29 for 2 boxes!!!
Lance Peanut Butter Crackers - BOGO @ $2.89 or $1.45 each
Fiber One Bars - $2.50 each
-Used $0.40 off one coupon from Sunday paper (Doubled)
-Paid $1.70
Capri Sun 100% Juice on Sale 2 for $5. You can get these just a little cheaper at Costco, but this is still a good deal.
There are also great school supply deals going on such as Crayola Crayon 24 packs 3 for $1 and Crayola Washable Markers BOGO.
I got other groceries as well and my grand total was $58.29. My grand total savings was $57.00! These deals are good through Tuesday, and if you go on Sunday or Monday you can also pick up the penny item! Happy shopping!
Good Article on Artificial Dyes
I have started really trying to avoid these dyes especially with the kids. Although, I must admit that I cave sometimes. For instance, today when I bought the Toy Story fruit snacks because they were BOGO. Oh well, it's a process, right?
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Mars Chocolate Relief Act
I am downright ashamed of myself for not sharing this gem with you all sooner, but every Friday Mars gives away coupons for free chocolate to the first $250,000 people to register for it. I have gotten a few of these coupons already. :)
Lean Cuisine Free Lunch Fridays
Lean Cuisine and I have a longstanding relationship (which was deepened dramatically after the births of my children) so I was sure to enter this one. Every Friday they give away 7 free lean cuisines (in the form of coupons) to 125 people.
Lifeway Kid's Day
Check out the link below for information on Kid's Day this Saturday at Lifeway from 11:00 - 1:00! Sounds like fun!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Nashville Area Consignment Sales
It's that time again! Consignment sales are gearing up for children's items all around town. Here is a little list I have compiled of the Public Sale dates. All of these sales have websites if you google them just in case you need more info. I am a big believer in consigning and buying from these sales. Let me know of any others I have left out!
Once Around the Block Kids
July 29th -31st (West End Community Church)
Encores and More
July 25th-August 1st (Cool Springs old Crescent Furniture store)
Hand Me Ups
July 30th-August 1st (Fairgrounds)
Little Sprouts Sale
August 7th-9th (Franklin)
Otter Creek Church Sale
August 28th-29th
Forrest Hills Baptist Church
September 18th-19th
St. Matthews Catholic Church
Lambs to Lions
August 22nd-23rd
Out of My Closet
July 23rd-26th (Bellevue Place)
Wee Wares
July 23rd-26th (Corner of Old Hickory Blvd. and Nolensville Rd.)
Friday, July 17, 2009
Free Starbucks Pastry
Click here for a coupon for a free pastry with beverage purchase at Starbucks on Tuesday July 21st!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Free Download of Crazy Love by Francis Chan
I'm pretty excited about this one! This is a free audio download of the book Crazy Love. I have been wanting to read this one so I guess I will listen to it instead! Warning: I'm pretty sure this book will be pretty challenging and convicting.
Click below and use code JUL2009 to get the free download. Mine is downloading as I type! Thanks to the Moneysavingmom blog for posting this.
Great Kashi Deals at Target
At Target this week Kashi granola bars and crackers are on sale for $2.50 each and Kashi Cereal is on sale for $2.66 each. Combine those sales with these coupons for some great deals. Whoohoo!
$1.50 off Kashi cereal bars
$1.50 off Kashi TLC bars or cereal
Lots of Target Kashi coupons here that you can stack on top of the manufacturers coupons including a buy one get one free for Kashi cereal.
$1.50 off Kashi cereal bars
$1.50 off Kashi TLC bars or cereal
Lots of Target Kashi coupons here that you can stack on top of the manufacturers coupons including a buy one get one free for Kashi cereal.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Free Veggie Tales Movie!!!
Sign up for the Big Idea E-newsletter and get a free DVD. There are 3 to choose from. One of them is a Larry Boy which was my choice! We have watched the same Larry Boy so many times! You do have to pay $2.99 shipping, but a new Veggie Tale for $2.99 is still a great deal!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Another Ben & Jerry's Deal (Why do they hate me?)
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. We have been crazy busy enjoying this summer. Well, I didn' think it would get any better than $1.50 for Ben & Jerry's at Target, but Publix has outdone them. Through Tuesday B & J are buy one get one free at Publix (This also applies to Starbucks ice cream for those of you who don't need a defibrulator after having coffee!). There is also a coupon in one of the booklets by the entrance to get $1.00 off two B &J. If you notice that I've put on a few pounds in a few weeks you'll know why. I also have allergies (hence a sore throat) giving me the perfect excuse to eat ice cream regularly! So.....
2 Ben and Jerry's - $7.58 (regular price)
-$3.79 for BOGO
-$1.00 for coupon
=$2.79 for 2
= $1.40/$1.39 a piece!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Free Sundiwear Sunscreen Monitoring Stickers
Click here to get a free sample of sundiwear stickers. They let you know when to re-apply sunscreen. I ordered mine a few days ago and can't wait to see if they work. My friend Marie was just telling me about something like this the other day. I figure they will be great to put on the kids, but could be useful for adults as well. Happy swimming!!!
Big Savings at Target this Week!
I made a trip to Target yesterday and got some great deals so I thought I would share some of them with you. They are running several promotions where you buy certain products and get others for free.
1. Buy 2 bags of Archer Farms chips (on sale for $2.33) and get a jar of Archer Farms salsa free. You can print out coupons for $1 off Archer Farms chips at www.afullcup.com . Just click on coupons and target coupon generator. You can print 2 of these.
2 bags of chips and salsa = 6.99 (sale price)
-$2.33 for free salsa = $4.66
-$2.00 for 2 coupons = $2.66 for 2 bags of chips and salsa!
2. My good friends Ben and Jerry are on sale this week! Check this out! They are $2.50 a piece, but if you buy 5 you get a $5 Target gift card so it's like you paid $1.50 a piece. Also included in this deal is Breyers Ice Cream 1.5 Quarts and Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches. I got 4 Ben and Jerry's and a Skinny Cow. Isn't that a contradiction???
3. Buy Skippy peanut butter and Welch's squeezable grape jelly (both on sale for $1.79) and get a free loaf of Arnold bread (worth $2.99). This is great bread. All natural and yummy. You can also buy the skippy natural peanut butter. I know the jelly isn't all natural, but cut me some slack. It's stinkin' cheap. You get peanut butter, jelly, and bread for a whopping $3.58.
4. The pull ups deal I mentioned in an earlier post is going on, but is also good for Huggies diapers. Check out my previous post for info on this, but I basically got 3 packages of Pull Ups for $13.97.
5. For all you mommies or teachers out there, the dollar spot at our Target had all kinds of fun kids craft things this week. There were kids scissors, foam kits to make animals, pom poms, giggle eyes, stamps, stickers, pipe cleaners, foam shapes and more! I got tons of craft stuff to do with the kids this summer for $20. It will be well worth it. They love this stuff and it will keep them busy with something creative rather than just watching TV or something. Check your Target to see if they have this stuff. I was at the West Nashville store.
1. Buy 2 bags of Archer Farms chips (on sale for $2.33) and get a jar of Archer Farms salsa free. You can print out coupons for $1 off Archer Farms chips at www.afullcup.com . Just click on coupons and target coupon generator. You can print 2 of these.
2 bags of chips and salsa = 6.99 (sale price)
-$2.33 for free salsa = $4.66
-$2.00 for 2 coupons = $2.66 for 2 bags of chips and salsa!
2. My good friends Ben and Jerry are on sale this week! Check this out! They are $2.50 a piece, but if you buy 5 you get a $5 Target gift card so it's like you paid $1.50 a piece. Also included in this deal is Breyers Ice Cream 1.5 Quarts and Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches. I got 4 Ben and Jerry's and a Skinny Cow. Isn't that a contradiction???
3. Buy Skippy peanut butter and Welch's squeezable grape jelly (both on sale for $1.79) and get a free loaf of Arnold bread (worth $2.99). This is great bread. All natural and yummy. You can also buy the skippy natural peanut butter. I know the jelly isn't all natural, but cut me some slack. It's stinkin' cheap. You get peanut butter, jelly, and bread for a whopping $3.58.
4. The pull ups deal I mentioned in an earlier post is going on, but is also good for Huggies diapers. Check out my previous post for info on this, but I basically got 3 packages of Pull Ups for $13.97.
5. For all you mommies or teachers out there, the dollar spot at our Target had all kinds of fun kids craft things this week. There were kids scissors, foam kits to make animals, pom poms, giggle eyes, stamps, stickers, pipe cleaners, foam shapes and more! I got tons of craft stuff to do with the kids this summer for $20. It will be well worth it. They love this stuff and it will keep them busy with something creative rather than just watching TV or something. Check your Target to see if they have this stuff. I was at the West Nashville store.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Restaurant.com Deal
Save 80% at www.restaurant.com with the code PRESENT. This means you get a $25 gift card for $2. Check out the restaurants in your area.
Pull Ups Coupon and Target Deal

There is a new link to a coupon for $3 off of Huggies Pull Ups. You can print 2 of these per computer you print from. Here is the link:
Word is on several websites that Target will be running a deal starting on Sunday 6/14 where Pull Ups will be on sale for $8.99 AND you will get a $5 Target gift card if you buy 3 packs. So, here's how I see this going down:
3 packs of Pull Ups = 26.97
3 $3 off coupons = $17.97
1 $5 gift card = $12.97
3 packs of Pull Ups for $12.97!!! That's $4.32 per pack! Can I get a what what?!
Pardon my enthusiasm, but I have been buying Pull Ups for over a year for my son who may still have to sleep in them in college:) and I am about to start buying them for my daughter also! Here's to pee-free sheets!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Great Organic Coupons
If you go the website below you can go to the "Coupons" icon and register to print lots of great coupons. They include Annie's bunnies, Organic Valley milk, Yo Baby yogurt, and many other great items. This was exciting to me since it is difficult to find coupons for these healthier foods. Check it out!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Free Bath Buddies Soap!
Okay fellow families with babies and toddlers, here is a deal for you. Print out this coupon for $3/3 Johnson's Baby Products and use it to buy 3 Johnson's bath buddies soap bars which are $.99 each. You will get them for free! I did this at Target today with no problem.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Shopping Smart at Publix

Many of you may take the stance I used to take that "Publix is for the rich." I no longer believe that. While a lot of things are more expensive at Publix I have found that many items I purchase are cheaper at Publix than Kroger. My favorite thing about Publix is the buy one get one free deals. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BUY TWO TO GET THE DEAL. They just ring up at half price. This may be regional because in Orlando they actually made me buy two, but here in Tennessee I think you are safe. I love to combine the BOGO deal with coupons. For example, a couple of weeks ago they had the wheat thins and triscuits BOGO. I had several coupons to save $1 off a box of wheat thins or triscuits that I printed off of http://www.coupons.com/ and http://www.kraftfoods.com/. So the regular price of the crackers was $2.69 and I got them for $.35 per box! I often get cereal for under a dollar by doing this. It is a great way to save money if you just buy what is BOGO (assuming it is something you like of course). Also you can subscribe to 4 different clubs/magazines with coupons at Publix for free. Just go to http://www.publix.com/ and click on "Clubs and Programs". There is the Baby Club if you are expecting or have a child under 2. I LOVED the Baby Club with both of my kids. I got tons of great coupons. Then there is the Preschool Pals club. I don't know that I've gotten any coupons with this one, but you get emails with fun ideas and some fun things in the mail. You can also subscribe to the Publix Greenwise Market Magazine or the Publix Family Style Magazine which both have valuable coupons in them. Hope this helps. I certainly don't buy everything at Publix, but I take advantage of their sales. I also think their produce is superior so I love to get fruits and veggies on sale there. Don't forget that on Sunday and Monday they have a penny item with a $10 purchase. It is hit or miss, but some weeks it is an item that is really useful for our family. Oh, and who can forget that Publix is where shopping is a pleasure! Happy Shopping!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
My Kroger Savings this Week
Okay, to inspire you to start stockpiling coupons here are some of my savings this week. Our Kroger had triple coupons so these savings are huge. Kroger and Publix always double coupons that are $0.50 or less. Kroger was tripling coupons up to $0.99. I think it is over, but I am not sure. My best steals:
Free with coupons:
Johnson's Baby Oil
Dial Liquid Hand Soap
McCormick GrillMates Lemon Pepper
McCormick Garlic Salt
Mentos Gum (3 of them)
French's Mustard
Other Great Deals:
Crest Whitening Expressions toothpaste - $.50
Lysol All Purpose Cleaner Spray Bottle - $.24
Lysol All Purpose Cleaner Large Bottle - $.49
Kraft Salad Dressing - $.19
Always Infinity Pads - $.49
Energizer Batteries - $1 per pack
Digiorno Flatbread Melts - $.25
Lean Pockets Quesadilla - $.35
I'll stop there. You get the jist. I saved way more than I spent. Clip coupons! I will try to post soon about how to get great deals at Publix.
Free with coupons:
Johnson's Baby Oil
Dial Liquid Hand Soap
McCormick GrillMates Lemon Pepper
McCormick Garlic Salt
Mentos Gum (3 of them)
French's Mustard
Other Great Deals:
Crest Whitening Expressions toothpaste - $.50
Lysol All Purpose Cleaner Spray Bottle - $.24
Lysol All Purpose Cleaner Large Bottle - $.49
Kraft Salad Dressing - $.19
Always Infinity Pads - $.49
Energizer Batteries - $1 per pack
Digiorno Flatbread Melts - $.25
Lean Pockets Quesadilla - $.35
I'll stop there. You get the jist. I saved way more than I spent. Clip coupons! I will try to post soon about how to get great deals at Publix.
Kroger Card Coupons
Okay, I am learning that you can upload coupons straight to your Kroger card! No clipping! Here are some sights where you can do it. Oh, and stay tuned if you think coupon clipping isn't worth it. I am gonna prove that it is!
www.kroger.com (P&G e-saver)
www.kroger.com (P&G e-saver)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Kroger Triple Coupons
I don't know how widespread this is but our Kroger is tripling coupons until June 2nd. I racked up tonight and saved more than I spent. I got several items for free! Check your local Kroger if you are a fellow coupon clipper.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Homemade Laundry Detergent
Another tip I got from my sis is this homemade laundry detergent. Cheap and all natural. I just started using it, and it seems to be working great.
2 cups Borax
2 cups Arm and Hammer Superwash Powder
2 bars of ivory soap grated
2 cups Borax
2 cups Arm and Hammer Superwash Powder
2 bars of ivory soap grated
Monday, May 25, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Organic Valley Coupons
For all you granola readers here is a link to $8 in Organic Valley coupons. :)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Old Navy Flip Flops
According to the Deal Seeking Mom website this Saturday May 23rd Old Navy Flip Flops will be on sale for $1 for one day only. I don't see it on their website, but if it's true that is quite a deal. I'm sure you could call your store and ask.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Arby's Free Food
Tamara sent me this list of free summer food from Arby's. I don't eat at Arby's much. I think I got burnt out since it was literally the only fast food place in Kingston Springs when I was growing up, but for those of you who love it here you go! Thanks Tamara!
IT's the Arby's free food schedule for the summer. No coupons needed.
May 20th - Free Chocolate Malt Swirl Shake with sandwich purchase.
May 20th - Free Chocolate Malt Swirl Shake with sandwich purchase.
May 27th - Free Regular Roast Beef with soft drink purchase.
June 3rd - Free FruiTea with sandwich purchase.
June 10th - Free Roast Chicken Club with soft drink purchase.
June 17th - Free Regular Side Kicker with sandwich purchase.
June 24th - Free Regular Roast Beef with soft drink purchase.
July 1st - Free Regular Beef and Cheddar with soft drink purchase.
July 8th - Free Orange Cream Shake with sandwich purchase.
July 15th - Free Regular Roast Beef with soft drink purchase.
July 22nd - Free RoastBurger with soft drink purchase.
July 29th - Free FruiTea with sandwich purchase.
August 5th - Free Regular Roast Beef with soft drink purchase.
August 12th - Free Roast Chicken Club with soft drink purchase.
August 19th - Free FruiTea with sandwich purchase.
August 26th - Free Roast Beef ‘n Cheddar with soft drink purchase
Use Coupon Code "TASTY" at restaurants.com through tomorrow to get $25 gift cards for $3!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
All Natural Taco Seasoning
I have to give my sister the credit for this one. She gave me this recipe. It is so much better than any storebought taco seasoning I have had. There are a lot of ingredients, but this lasted me about 5 recipes before I needed to make more. I think it is very economical by the time you use all of the ingredients. Plus, there is the added bonus of knowing there is no junk in it. Enjoy!
4 tbsp chili powder
2 tbsp onion powder
2 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp arrowroot powder
2 tbsp ground cumin
4 tsp sea salt
4 tsp paprika
4 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
Mix all ingredients together and store in an airtight container.
Use 1/4 cup of seasoning for 1 lb of ground beef or ground turkey.
Additional Birthday Deals
Meghan sent me this link for birthday treats! Thanks! Happy Birthday to everyone! I am having so much fun with this link. Oh, and Nero's Grille in Green Hills sends you a free prime rib dinner coupon on your birthday month if you go in and sign up for their birthday club. I just got that one recently. Too bad I don't eat prime rib. Maybe they will let me trade for chicken!
Free Samples
Check out the free samples you can get from Walmart. They include Pull Ups, Cottonelle, and more:
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A Few Good Coupons
Gymboree 30% off coupon code good May 14-17th:
Check out the Old Navy coupons you can get on here. They reset once a week. You click on different things (Dolphin that swims by, Crab, Boy's Floaties, etc. to get coupons)
For those of you around Nashville check out this link. If you sign up for this email group you get a $25 gift card to USA Baby in Franklin good for use on a $50 or more purchase. I am gonna use mine tomorrow!
Did someone say free ice cream? Join the Cold Stone Creamery Birthday Club and get free ice cream for your birthday. My birthday is next week so I found this one just in time. :)
Here are 2 sites where I print coupons for groceries every month before I do my major shopping day. They are totally free. There are lots of good ones this month on coupons.com.
Check out the Old Navy coupons you can get on here. They reset once a week. You click on different things (Dolphin that swims by, Crab, Boy's Floaties, etc. to get coupons)
For those of you around Nashville check out this link. If you sign up for this email group you get a $25 gift card to USA Baby in Franklin good for use on a $50 or more purchase. I am gonna use mine tomorrow!
Did someone say free ice cream? Join the Cold Stone Creamery Birthday Club and get free ice cream for your birthday. My birthday is next week so I found this one just in time. :)
Here are 2 sites where I print coupons for groceries every month before I do my major shopping day. They are totally free. There are lots of good ones this month on coupons.com.
Just In Case Anyone Cares
Here we go. I have been finding all kinds of deals lately. I am a bargain shopper and a coupon clipper. I get excited about good deals and have probably bored some of you with them in the past! I figured I will log them here, and you can look if you want. Then I will stop talking about it! I am gonna post good deals, recipes, and good ideas that I have come across. I am trying to live a more natural life so you can expect some natural recipes and coupons for "green" type products. I am always up for a deal so there will be many different kinds on here. This will be fun. Maybe I will at least have one reader. If I can help out a friend each day with one of these tips it will surely be worth my time. So let's get started!
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